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Types of Programs – Postrgraduate Programs

Postgraduate programs are a generic term for any further academic qualification that one can acquire after the Bachelor’s degree in the process of university studies. Read Myadmissionsessay review on the postgraduate programs below.

In order to be admitted to Master degree programs, an individual must normally possess a Bachelor’s degree (some universities will admit only an ‘honors’ bachelor degree). Can having a particularly themed Bachelor thesis help enter the Master’s program? Well, sometimes, the Bachelor’s degree of a student must be in the same subject as the desired Master’s degree, or in a closely related discipline. In other cases, the subject of the Bachelor’s degree is unimportant. Still, in certain cases relevant work experience can be considered as sufficient factor for admission.

The one criterion that will be absolutely essential for all Master degree programs is a successful Master application essay, which must demonstrate a number of skills, crucial for the completion of the program.

A successful Master application essay must prove the applicant’s ability to carry out research by emphasizing the field of academic interests, research experience, academic ambitions, explaining the motivation for the studies and persuading the committee that the potential student will be responsible and competent.

On successful completion of the Master’s program, one can progress to the doctoral one. In some postgraduate programs, the actual work on doctorate starts immediately after the Bachelor’s degree. Anyway, the question is how to get a PhD?

Peculiarities of academic process of postgraduate programs:

  • The details of the requirements for PhD programs vary considerably. However, in any case, a PhD admission essay will be an indispensable component of any application package. The essay at this level must dwell upon the sphere of science the candidate has worked in, as well as the future plans and academic ambitions.
  • The candidate must also describe his/her scientific achievements and research experience and demonstrate background academic knowledge and skills in order to make sure his/her PhD admission essay reaches its aim.
  • In the process of studies for the degree, most universities require coursework in addition to research for PhD degrees.
  • There is usually a prescribed minimum amount of study, which usually takes two to three years and must be prior to submission of the final thesis. This requirement is sometimes substituted for a definite amount of published works.
  • The candidate may also be required to successfully complete a certain number of additional, advanced courses.
  • The result of PhD programs is usually the submission of a thesis or dissertation consisting of original research, which is sometimes published. The thesis is normally defended in front of the examiners appointed by the university.

Although a PhD student is traditionally supposed to study, today the question of how to get a PhD can be answered with the help of the IT with many students opting now for e-learning technologies and a distance education part-time mode.

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You are welcome to view peculiarities of different places where one can get the above described degrees in the Types of establishments section.
In order to find out more about the admission process peculiarities, you are free to look through our Admission process page.
Petra Lipfer
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Petra Lipfer is a professional blogger from Orlando, Florida. She has degrees in Education and Management and has taken three advanced IT courses. She has been writing for several educational portals and now is a stuff writer at MyAdmissionsEssay.com.
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