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Application Essay on Everyday Choices

Every day we have a wide selection of choices. Some of them are rather challenging, while others not. Describe one of the most significant choices that you had to make, and discuss the consequences of your actions. In what way did your decision influence your life?

My most vivid childhood memory is the day when my parents took me, a four-year-old girl, to the Concert Hall. This was the first time I had seen a real symphonic orchestra playing Mozart. The moment I heard those mysterious sounds, I knew I was deeply in love with music, with the way the musicians tune in before they start playing, with the thin fingers caressing the piano and the strings of the guitar. I knew that in my life there was no choice.

My “life-long romance” with music lasted for a decade and then a disaster stroke. While snowboarding in winter, I clumsily fell over and broke both collar bones. The doctor who examined my X-rays looked compassionate; he might have even felt like that, but his words were cruel: “The fractures would heal in six weeks, but you will have to think about other career options, as you will hardly ever feel comfortable playing any musical instrument”. Suddenly, I faced a whole ocean of options and choices. Unfortunately, I did not want any.

But life continued and gradually I started paying attention to other activities people can do in life apart from playing a musical instrument. I really had to choose where to go. And strangely enough I chose something which had nothing to do with music (the only thought of being related to it not being able to play seemed a nightmare). I chose medicine. The fractures healed, as the doctor had predicted, and I was prescribed a course of rehabilitation gymnastics. The more I visited the doctor, the more clearly I saw my way to go. This was exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to help people keep their choices open and have possibilities to choose from the endless list of options without being limited by disabilities. I wanted to work every day to help kids like me recover from injuries and continue doing what is larger than life for them.

I spent my high school years working hard to obtain good academic results. While my friends used some website that writes papers for you, I worked hard and did everything myself. I have succeeded in getting high scores in all the necessary standardized test. And I can confess that now I feel completely exhausted. But I feel determined to work much harder and strenuously to achieve my ambition and here I am, writing my admission essay led by my choice.

I agree that we may seem to have certain options to choose from. But the matter is that I firmly believe that mostly we do not choose, we fight our way against the destiny’s choice. But during the fight we sometimes reconsider our aims. However, I feel strongly that this time the choice of mine is something I will never reconsider.

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