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Types of Establishments – Institute of Technology

What Are the Standard Requirements for Institute of Technology’s Admission?

If you have firmly decided to dedicate your future career to technology, the most obvious choice of educational institution for you is an institute of technology that will provide you with a well-grounded education and serve as an excellent first step in a promising career.

However, if you are considering such a serious decision, you had better get acquainted with general MIT admission requirements to know what you have to work on.

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  • First, you have to take standardized MIT admission tests in a number of subjects, such as Maths, Biology, Physics and Chemistry and in case you are not a native speaker of English, you will also have to sit for TOEFL. The higher your scores in these tests are, the higher your chances of being admitted to the institute of technology become.
  • Second, you are required to complete your application forms and provide your secondary school transcript, as well as two teacher evaluation forms, one of which should be written by a math or science teacher and the other – by your language or humanities teacher.
  • Last but not least, you are given an assignment to write an MIT admission essay that will let admission committee see the personality behind your grades and academic achievements. This is your chance to stand out among other students, so follow a few basic guidelines and produce a fascinating piece of writing. You can order essay like that here.

How to Write a Good MIT Admissions Essay:

  • Make sure you understand the questions. Do not include irrelevant information. An essay that fails to be up to the a point will not be evaluated at all, which will negatively reflect on your chances to enter the institute.
  • Remember that using free essay writing samples is the worst thing you can do. The committee expects you to let them get to know you better, and if you hand in a plagiarized paper that is not original and does not reach its objective, you will not be evaluated adequately. In the future, while studying, you might find yourself in a situation when you have to buy term papers or essays to deal with the workload. However, use only unique content for your admissions piece.
  • Whatever question you are trying to answer, describe situations from your experience. Make your essay more emotional and personal by drawing a vivid picture of a particular event in your life that encouraged you to pursue this career or in which you clearly demonstrated your strong character traits.
  • Try to capture your reader’s interest in the very first lines of your essay and keep them in suspense throughout your essay. Finding the so called “hook” will make your essay memorable and give you an edge over the other applicants.
  • Good writing skills are also considered to be one of the most important admission requirements. Therefore, spend enough time for revising and proofreading of your essay. Polish it until it is impeccable! In order to improve your writing skills, feel free to view our Writing tips section.

On balance, it is a creative essay showing that you are a worthy candidate, so you have to ensure that admission officers see who you really are instead of skimming through your paper and easily forgetting about it.

In order to find out more about the admission process peculiarities, you are free to look through our Admission process page.
Petra Lipfer
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Petra Lipfer is a professional blogger from Orlando, Florida. She has degrees in Education and Management and has taken three advanced IT courses. She has been writing for several educational portals and now is a stuff writer at MyAdmissionsEssay.com.
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