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Decision Making Essay Example

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One instance that I can recall is when the manager of the company had to decide which employee to promote to a higher position. Two employees were eligible for the promotion, but one employee had more experience and better qualifications. However, the other employee had been with the company longer and was more well-liked by their colleagues. The final decision was to promote the employee with more experience and qualifications, which was viewed by some as unfair.

The Fair and Equitable Final Decision

The promotion of the employee with greater experience and qualifications looks fair and equitable since it was based on objective factors directly related to the higher position. These credentials and experience may make the promoted employee better qualified for the post and able to accomplish his duties. So, the choice looks merit-based, a crucial fairness and equality criterion. Fairness and equity are not purely subjective. The non-promoted employees may believe the choice was unjust since it did not take into account their likeability, longevity, or potential for advancement. These characteristics may affect employees' experience and teamwork but may not directly affect the higher position.


The boss or other team members may have favored the employee, which may have impacted the decision. Even if the other employee had stronger skills and experience for the higher job, the manager may have favored the promoted employee or formed deeper ties with other team members. The manager's tastes may have also affected the choice. For instance, the boss may favor or dislike specific personality types or work methods. These biases may have impacted the manager's assessment of the two employees' credentials and experience, resulting in a biased judgment.

Factors Considered

Based on the information provided, the main factors considered in the decision-making process appear to be the qualifications and experience of the employees. These factors are important criteria when assessing an employee's suitability for a higher position, as they directly relate to the requirements of the role. The promoted employee may have had more experience and qualifications that were directly relevant to the new position, making them a more suitable candidate.

Improvement of Decision Outcome

To improve the outcome of the decision, the manager could have communicated the factors that influenced the decision-making process more clearly to the employees. Additionally, the manager could have considered other factors, such as the employee's potential for growth and development in the higher position and the impact on the team's morale.

Multiple Stakeholders

The decision was communicated to the employees in a meeting, but how much detail was provided about the decision-making process is unclear. It is possible that only the final decision was communicated without explaining the factors considered. Multiple stakeholders, such as HR and senior management, were involved in the decision-making process.


If I had authority over the decision-maker, I would have encouraged them to involve other stakeholders in the decision-making process, such as the team members whom the decision would impact. I would also suggest considering other factors, such as the employee's potential for growth and development in the higher position and the impact on team morale. To ensure that the decision factored in multiple points of view, I would have suggested a more collaborative decision-making process that included input from all stakeholders. Ultimately, ethical decision-making requires consideration of multiple factors and perspectives, and clear communication of the decision-making process can help to reduce perceived biases and increase the perception of fairness and equity.

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